Monday, August 17, 2009

Symfony: jquery calendar widget for doctrine generated filters

Javascript calendar widget for filters

This is a quick way to have a javascript calendar instead of the nasty
3 selects (y/m/d) for every date filter:

1. install sfFormExtraPlugin

2. generate admin backend as usual

3. put the following code in lib/filter/doctrine/BaseFormFilterDoctrine.class.php:

abstract class BaseFormFilterDoctrine extends sfFormFilterDoctrine
public function setup()
foreach ($this->widgetSchema->getFields() as $name => $widget) {
if ($widget instanceof sfWidgetFormFilterDate) {
$this->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate(array(
'format' => '%day%/%month%/%year%'


Anonymous said...

could you please put a screenshot?

Anonymous said...

Your code changes the date range selector to one date.

I made some corrections to make it work:

public function setup() {
foreach ($this->widgetSchema->getFields() as $name => $widget) {
if ($widget instanceof sfWidgetFormFilterDate) {
$from = $widget->getOption('from_date');
if ($from instanceof sfWidgetFormDate) {
$from = new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate(array(
'image' => '/images/calendar.gif',
'culture' => 'en',
'date_widget' => $from
$widget->setOption('from_date', $from);
$to = $widget->getOption('to_date');
if ($to instanceof sfWidgetFormDate) {
$to = new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate(array(
'image' => '/images/calendar.gif',
'culture' => 'en',
'date_widget' => $to
$widget->setOption('to_date', $to);

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